Connecting Wiltshire is all about making travel simple. Simple to find information, simple to understand, simple to use. We want to help you find ways to travel that save you time or money, and improve your wellbeing and local environment.
Why travel sustainably
Being stuck in traffic isn’t relaxing, but a 15-minute bike ride can be, as well as quicker and better for you. If we all did this, not only would we be looking after our beautiful countryside, but our air pollution levels would also drop dramatically.
As Wiltshire is a big, rural county, it’s not always easy to get around using public transport, and so cars tend to be used more than in other parts of England. This can lead to issues with peak time delays and air pollution levels in certain parts of the county. Connecting Wiltshire is aiming to help alleviate those problems. We will provide better transport information and services so that whether you live in, commute to, or are just visiting Wiltshire, you can find out about alternative ways to travel that could save you money and time. We will also give you practical tips on using different ways of travelling to improve your health and wellbeing, and protect the environment we all live in.