Timetables and Maps
If you’re not sure which bus you need, use our journey planner to find your nearest service. You can find and print the timetable for any bus in Wiltshire on Traveline or you can also look up timetables from:
- Bradies taxis
- Berrys Superfast (Frome and Warminster to London)
- Coachstyle
- Faresaver
- First
- Frome Bus
- More Bus
- National Express
- Salisbury Reds
- Stagecoach – most services can be found by selecting ‘Swindon’ or ‘Salisbury’.
- Swindon’s Bus Company
- Wiltshire Connect (On-demand bus)
Wiltshire bus timetables are also available on Traveline. If you don’t have a printer, you can request a timetable at your local library. Some printed timetables are available at Tourist Information Centres.