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Construction is to start on a shared cycle path on Mill Road in Salisbury. The shared path between South Western Road and Churchfields Road will be created by moving the station wall back, providing more space for cyclists, pedestrians and disabled people. The details of the shared path scheme can be viewed as part of the planning application.

This path is the first stage in a wider programme of works to improve the rail station forecourt, Fisherton Street and South Western Road. This programme of works was consulted on as part of Salisbury’s Central Area Framework. The initial station forecourt design that was shown in this consultation can be found here although this design will be refined in light of comments received and further consultation with stakeholders.

The shared path scheme has been partly funded by DfT’s cycle rail fund working in partnership with South Western Railway.

Later this summer, South Western Railway intends to install a cycle hub in the station including improved cycle parking, electric cycle hire and a cycle repair point. This cycle hub is funded by DfT.

The council hopes to deliver the remainder of the station forecourt scheme and Fisherton Street improvements in partnership with SWR and with funding from the government’s Future High Streets Fund. Further details will be announced later this year and there will be more opportunities to comment on the designs.

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