The Connecting Wiltshire journey planner and the walk, cycle, rail, bus and drive pages contain information which can help you plan the school journey by sustainable modes of transport.
The Connecting Wiltshire journey planner and the walk, cycle, rail, bus and drive pages contain information which can help you plan the school journey by sustainable modes of transport.
Physical activity such as walking and cycling can help combat rising levels of obesity which can lead to conditions such as type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease in adult life.
The biggest concern of adults when it comes to children travelling to school is traffic danger. Through road safety education such as pedestrian and cycle training and through simply walking to school, children can gain the skills they need.
Time is always short when leaving the house in a morning, especially for families, and the school run can be a stressful experience for many. Walking, cycling or taking the bus to school can often be quicker than it is to load up a car, drive to school, find a parking space, unload and get to the school gates.
Teachers report that children that walk or cycle arrive at school much more awake. Evidence also suggests that these children may achieve better academic results.
Showing your child how to travel independently now means that they will be able to continue doing so in later life. This could mean better access to jobs, shops and leisure facilities.
Parents that do not drive to school report that they get to spend more quality time with younger children on the journey and get to know other parents better at the school gates.
Top tips to get your child walking or cycling to school
Take look at this short film from the Sustrans Safe to school campaign, it may help you to make a decision about how to transport your child or children to school.